Organized by the community, meetups are a great way to find and strengthen the privacy supporters community in your local area.

Step 1

Connect with a local space that will allow you to meet for an hour or two. A public library, a social center, a hackerspace or a room in a university are some spaces that you can usually host your event.

Step 2

Choose a date and time that is convenient for your group and the local space. On weekends or during week days, after working hours (7 pm) might be better. After confirming a local and date, create a poster and an online invitation to spread the event.

Step 3

Find a meetup facilitator and draft an agenda, for example, question & answer about Tor, how to setup relays. Read and follow our best practices.

Step 4

Before the meetup, organize the space. Buy some chips and snacks, hang some posters nearby the local, so people can find easily. If you have some printed materials and/or Tor swag, put it on a table.

Step 5

Load your presentation and wait a few minutes to people arrive. During the activity take notes about questions, how many knew about Tor before, how many are relay operators, etc.

Step 6

After the meetup, clean up the space, remove the posters and send your notes to the Tor Community Team mailing list.