Esta es una colección de historias de usuarios anónimos que confían en Tor para proteger la privacidad y el anonimato. Te animamo a compartir tus experiencias en la red, amigos y familiares, o como parte del trabajo para promover el uso de tecnologías para la preservación de la intimidad y ayudarnos a defender sólidas protecciones en línea.



It helps me stay anonymous on the internet and do research without being followed.


Soy un activista político, parte de una minoría semicriminalizada.


Utilizo Tor para participar en el activismo de base contra las armas nucleares. Esto es bastante peligroso por lo que Tor es absolutamente esencial.


Tor Browser is the last defense line of the free internet.


I'm in the UK. I do not face any direct threats or risks regarding my use of the internet, and solely use Tor to avoid mass surveillance of my browsing history.



Encryption is essential for secure internet use. If communication services are not encrypted when discussing politics, it will be difficult to have a free discussion because people will be worried that government agencies may be eavesdropping.


Soy desarrollador de software y profesor de programación y vivo en Cuba.


I think online security and privacy are CRITICAL to maintain a free society.


I live in Iran and I have been using Tor for censorship circumvention.


I strongly believe encryption is essential for a healthy democracy, for the privacy of every human being on this planet and to combat/reduce government abuse of power and mass surveillance.


Estoy usando Tor para acceder a internet libremente. Lo necesito porque en mi país internet está censurado.


I live in Iran and the police state is vigorously spying on people. Without Tor we would be shut off from the world, no one hearing our voice.



I am a simple user. I love privacy-related tools and I am very interested in encryption, decryption and security.


Encryption is essential for secure internet use. If communication services are not encrypted when discussing politics, it will be difficult to have a free discussion because people will be worried that government agencies may be eavesdropping.


In a world in which the Patriot Act has removed basic protections guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment, US citizens have lost way too much in privacy rights to risk any transaction on an insecure platform.


Journalism isn't free and fair. You are free to say what you feel at the risk of job loss and prison for expressing anything contrary to the wishes of whoever is in power of your jurisdiction - you have that right to say it and suffer.


I live in Europe and am not by any means an important, critical or endangered person, but I have friends in other parts of the world tho whom anonymity and privacy through encryption is crucial. Encryption is the only way to ensure, they can securly voice their opinion.


Cifrar es como meter una carta en un sobre antes de enviarla por correo: Es de sentido común.


I use Tor and other encrypted communications methods to communicate with journalists and human rights advocates.


I strongly believe encryption is essential for a healthy democracy, for the privacy of every human being on this planet and to combat/reduce government abuse of power and mass surveillance.


Big corporations and companies have no morals and don't hesitate to share personal information for profit. Our data was shared without our permission from sources like our healthcare provider and employer.


Really, I personally don’t need to worry much about my privacy. But I use Tor to protect others.


Encryption is privacy, as simple as that. Privacy should be the default, giving away information should be the exception.

Libertad de información


Tor me ayudó a aprender cosas nuevas. Estoy en un país donde te pueden encerrar por tener opiniones diferentes a las de mi gobierno.


Tor me ayudó mucho. Me eduqué libre de la propaganda estatal.


Utilizo Tor para publicar en redes sociales en sitios que restringen la libertad de expresión.


It helps me stay anonymous on the internet and do research without being followed.


Creo que nuestros datos están siendo manipulados, utilizados en contra para moldear nuestra visión del mundo... mi objetivo es evitar la "desinformación" y detener el acoso en línea.


I live in Iran and I have been using Tor for censorship circumvention.


Tor me ayuda a mantenerme fuera de las burbujas de filtros y me protege de ser rastreado.


Really, I personally don’t need to worry much about my privacy. But I use Tor to protect others.


I am a father of two teenagers. As teenagers, they, or their friends, are bumping into issues regarding sex, drugs, social media, and bullying.


I live in Iran and the police state is vigorously spying on people. Without Tor we would be shut off from the world, no one hearing our voice.


Tor Browser is the last defense line of the free internet.


Usé Tor para obtener documentos de Wikileaks.


I'm in the UK. I do not face any direct threats or risks regarding my use of the internet, and solely use Tor to avoid mass surveillance of my browsing history.



Fui médico de familia y psiquiatra durante 25 años, trabajando a menudo con miembros de grupos marginados y perseguidos. Poder proteger la información personal de mis pacientes era de vital importancia.


Utilizo el Navegador Tor para investigar sobre enfermedades mentales, por ejemplo la depresión, que se dan en nuestra familia.


Soy médico en una ciudad muy politizada. Tengo pacientes que trabajan en leyes que pueden suponer miles de millones de dólares para grandes empresas de telecomunicaciones, redes sociales y búsquedas.



Estoy en los Estados Unidos. Tor me ha ayudado a sortear mi muy estricto ISP escolar cuando investigo temas delicados como recursos lgbt.


Soy transexual lesbiana y prefiero decidir a quién se lo cuento.


Saber que soy homosexual podría llevar a una turba hasta donde me encuentro (con consecuencias potencialmente mortales) y al ostracismo de mi familia (de la que actualmente dependo económicamente).

Seguridad en línea


Encryption is essential for secure internet use. If communication services are not encrypted when discussing politics, it will be difficult to have a free discussion because people will be worried that government agencies may be eavesdropping.


Necesitaba desesperadamente un medio para proteger mi intimidad en Internet, porque soy víctima de ciberacoso y me han robado y puesto en peligro mi identidad.


Los riesgos a los que me enfrento por no usar Tor no son inmediatos, y se centran principalmente en que el gobierno consolide la información sobre su población y el potencial de que esto salga mal.


I live in Europe and am not by any means an important, critical or endangered person, but I have friends in other parts of the world tho whom anonymity and privacy through encryption is crucial. Encryption is the only way to ensure, they can securly voice their opinion.


I think online security and privacy are CRITICAL to maintain a free society.


Soy de Brasil, y lo he estado usando por más de 3 años. Tor me ha ayudado mucho a protegerme de la huella digital en la red.


The politics [here] is kind of crazy so I kind of fear about any of my data stored by the government.


I am a father of two teenagers. As teenagers, they, or their friends, are bumping into issues regarding sex, drugs, social media, and bullying.

Libertad de prensa


Journalism isn't free and fair. You are free to say what you feel at the risk of job loss and prison for expressing anything contrary to the wishes of whoever is in power of your jurisdiction - you have that right to say it and suffer.


I use Tor and other encrypted communications methods to communicate with journalists and human rights advocates.


Really, I personally don’t need to worry much about my privacy. But I use Tor to protect others.



I am a simple user. I love privacy-related tools and I am very interested in encryption, decryption and security.


Tor se asegura de que tengo un perfil genérico de internet, libre de cualquier especificación.


I decided to take back my privacy and I have been using Tor ever since.


The politics [here] is kind of crazy so I kind of fear about any of my data stored by the government.


Me preocupaba [mi] privacidad tras enterarme de que yahoo mail y gmail entregaban correos privados a funcionarios del gobierno.


Big corporations and companies have no morals and don't hesitate to share personal information for profit. Our data was shared without our permission from sources like our healthcare provider and employer.


Vivo en el Reino Unido. Me sentí increíblemente perturbado por las revelaciones de Edward Snowden sobre la vigilancia masiva de la NSA. Esto me llevó a empezar a usar el navegador Tor.


Encryption is privacy, as simple as that. Privacy should be the default, giving away information should be the exception.


Uso el Navegador Tor como mi navegador diario, casi el 100% del tiempo. Estoy en EE.UU.. Me enfrento a un riesgo mínimo, excepto para el seguimiento de negocios corporativos. Durante los últimos 4-5 años, he usado el Navegador Tor para conectarme a "miles" de sitios.